Thursday 14 April 2016

reflection 9

Topic 9: Assembling, administering and appraising classroom test and assessment

In this topic we are learn about assembling the test. which is in assembling the test are include record item on index card, arrange items as a set and prepare directions. in this topic also I have learn about administering the test. It is such as the guiding principle, physical condition and suggestion. this is about how we administering the test and arrange hoe to make the test. This topic are useful for me and it will become my referent when doing classroom test and assessment.

reflection 8 

Topic 8: Assessment procedures: observation technique, peer appraisal, and self                  report.

Before we start our lesson in this week Mr.David has to remind us about submit the assignment that has given by this week. We start our lesson in identify the means of observation technique, peer appraisal and self report. The second slide is about the outcome and representative behavior. The first outcome is skills and the representative behavior is speaking, writing, listening, oral reading, performing laboratory experiment and drawing. Second outcome is work habits and representative behavior is effectiveness in planing, use of time and use of equipment. The third outcome is social attitude and the representative behavior is concern for the welfare of other, respect for laws and respect for the property of other. In this topic also we are learn about what are the procedures or method. Between the procedures are anecdotal records. Anecdotal record is for record student behavior. Its also student judgement and reports.

Friday 8 April 2016

Reflection 7

Topic 7: Measuring complex achievement : the interpretive exercise.

Based on this topic the lecturer are teach about example of typical learning outcomes ability, complex achievement, advantages interpretive of exercise, and limitation interpretive exercises. In example of typical learning outcome ability to apply a principle and it means the theory that we applying, is interpret relationship, recognize and state inferences, recognize the relevance of information, develop and recognize tenable hypothesis, which is null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis and etc. in advantages interpretive of exercise is can test understand, thinking skills, and problem solving abilities. Other than that the limitation interpretive exercises is problem is limited, which means cannot develop other problems. I have learn more about this interpretive exercise and this topic also can be use for reference in future. In this topic also have to teach me about how to do the interpretive exercise correctly. 

Reflection 6

Topic 6: constructing subjective, Test items: structured form & essay forms.

In this topic, we are learn about two types of essay which is restricted- response essay items and extended response  varieties. Restricted- response essay is the content of student answer and the form of their written response, focus assessment to a specific and well defined performance. While the extended response varieties is write essay in which the student are free to express and organize their own idea and interrelationship among their idea. This extended response varieties is to assess student general writing ability and subject matter knowledge. 

Wednesday 30 March 2016

reflection 5

Topic 5: Constructing objective test item: Multiple choice

In this week, we are learn about topic 5. In this topic are include about the step to do test construction and types of test items. Types of test items is include true-false, short answers, fill in the blanks, multiple-choice, matching and essay. In this topic also have state the advantage and limitation when use M-C question. which is the advantages is easy to score, objective to score, large coverage and good at assessing specific knowledge and understanding or lower order thinking skills. While the limitation of M-C question is limited in assessing higher order thinking skills, guessing, reading comprehension and time consuming to write good M-C question.

Saturday 26 March 2016

reflection 4

Topic 4: Planning classroom assessment, test and evaluate

Hello everyone, in the fifth week our lecture give an explanation about how do test and evaluate in assessment education. This topic tell about test consideration, test and their development, why use test, achievement test referencing, and quality of test. Based on this topic, I have learn about how to give a test and it is also can be use in future as a reference when do the test to student. This topic also teach me to how to make a quality test to assess the student. 

reflection 3

Topic 3: Reliability and validity other desired characteristic of measurement   

In this week we are learn about reliability and validity definition. which is reliability means measurement are consistent while validity is refer to an accurate assessment. In this topic also state about five types of validity and that is face validity, content validity, predictive validity, and construct validity.

This picture are explain about relationship between reliability and validity