Wednesday 30 March 2016

reflection 5

Topic 5: Constructing objective test item: Multiple choice

In this week, we are learn about topic 5. In this topic are include about the step to do test construction and types of test items. Types of test items is include true-false, short answers, fill in the blanks, multiple-choice, matching and essay. In this topic also have state the advantage and limitation when use M-C question. which is the advantages is easy to score, objective to score, large coverage and good at assessing specific knowledge and understanding or lower order thinking skills. While the limitation of M-C question is limited in assessing higher order thinking skills, guessing, reading comprehension and time consuming to write good M-C question.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such a useful knowledge, based on your reflection, I now know the steps, the advantage and limitation in using a M-C questions.
