Friday 25 March 2016

About me and my philosophy

assalamualaikum and hello..

Today i would like to share a little bit about my self. First of all, i would appreciate and 
grateful for all the blessing of Allah that was given to me. My name is Nurul Safikah Binti Roslee, i`m 23 years old and i was born on 24 November 1993. I have 5 siblings and i am the first. I would like to say thanks to my lovely father and mother that always give support to me..I am now studying at UNITAR in cost early childhood education, this is my second year studying in Unitar. 

my goal and philosophy

Everyone has their own goal and philosophy for make their thinks happen. Just like me, i also has my own goal and philosophy in my life and as a teachers. My goal as a teacher is become a good teacher and that always remembered by his student. This is because to be a teachers that always remembered by his student must be someone who always care about their student. Create something fun to make student more interest in our lesson and also make a good relationship between student. Personality is the most important aspect to be a teacher. In that case, in my philosophy, I will try to make my self as an excellent teacher and honored to educate young people toward excellent.

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