Wednesday 30 March 2016

reflection 5

Topic 5: Constructing objective test item: Multiple choice

In this week, we are learn about topic 5. In this topic are include about the step to do test construction and types of test items. Types of test items is include true-false, short answers, fill in the blanks, multiple-choice, matching and essay. In this topic also have state the advantage and limitation when use M-C question. which is the advantages is easy to score, objective to score, large coverage and good at assessing specific knowledge and understanding or lower order thinking skills. While the limitation of M-C question is limited in assessing higher order thinking skills, guessing, reading comprehension and time consuming to write good M-C question.

Saturday 26 March 2016

reflection 4

Topic 4: Planning classroom assessment, test and evaluate

Hello everyone, in the fifth week our lecture give an explanation about how do test and evaluate in assessment education. This topic tell about test consideration, test and their development, why use test, achievement test referencing, and quality of test. Based on this topic, I have learn about how to give a test and it is also can be use in future as a reference when do the test to student. This topic also teach me to how to make a quality test to assess the student. 

reflection 3

Topic 3: Reliability and validity other desired characteristic of measurement   

In this week we are learn about reliability and validity definition. which is reliability means measurement are consistent while validity is refer to an accurate assessment. In this topic also state about five types of validity and that is face validity, content validity, predictive validity, and construct validity.

This picture are explain about relationship between reliability and validity

reflection 2


In this topic our lecture has explain us about how to achieve the goal and the objective when doing assessment to student. Other than that, we also discuss about purpose of goal and objective and common types of objective. In common types of objective divided in 3 and that is psychomotor, cognitive which refer to Blooms` Taxonomy, and the other one is affective. During this class, our lecture also have also explain about how to create the activity for children in kindergarten. 



reflection 1

Hello everyone, our first class in week 2, we are discuss about topic 1. This topic is about educational testing, evaluation and assessment context, roles of assessment in teaching and learning. This topic also discuss about learning objective,learning outcome, course policy, course assessment, course content and define of meaning assessment in education. We also has done our activity which is to create a poster and share it with our friends. In this class, i have to learn about what actually assessment in education function and needs. 

This picture is the activity that we do in our first class

Friday 25 March 2016

About me and my philosophy

assalamualaikum and hello..

Today i would like to share a little bit about my self. First of all, i would appreciate and 
grateful for all the blessing of Allah that was given to me. My name is Nurul Safikah Binti Roslee, i`m 23 years old and i was born on 24 November 1993. I have 5 siblings and i am the first. I would like to say thanks to my lovely father and mother that always give support to me..I am now studying at UNITAR in cost early childhood education, this is my second year studying in Unitar. 

my goal and philosophy

Everyone has their own goal and philosophy for make their thinks happen. Just like me, i also has my own goal and philosophy in my life and as a teachers. My goal as a teacher is become a good teacher and that always remembered by his student. This is because to be a teachers that always remembered by his student must be someone who always care about their student. Create something fun to make student more interest in our lesson and also make a good relationship between student. Personality is the most important aspect to be a teacher. In that case, in my philosophy, I will try to make my self as an excellent teacher and honored to educate young people toward excellent.